Java快速教程--vamei 学习笔记(进阶篇)
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Java进阶01 String类





"abc" + s




方法                 效果

s.length()              返回s字符串长度

s.charAt(2)           返回s字符串中下标为2的字符

s.substring(0, 4)          返回s字符串中下标0到4的子字符串

s.indexOf("Hello")          返回子字符串"Hello"的下标

s.startsWith(" ")           判断s是否以空格开始

s.endsWith("oo")            判断s是否以"oo"结束

s.equals("Good World!")       判断s是否等于"Good World!"


s.compareTo("Hello Nerd!")    比较s字符串与"Hello Nerd!"在词典中的顺序,

               返回一个整数,如果<0,说明s在"Hello Nerd!"之前;

                      如果>0,说明s在"Hello Nerd!"之后;

                      如果==0,说明s与"Hello Nerd!"相等。

s.trim()              去掉s前后的空格字符串,并返回新的字符串

s.toUpperCase()           将s转换为大写字母,并返回新的字符串

s.toLowerCase()        将s转换为小写,并返回新的字符串

s.replace("World", "Universe")    将"World"替换为"Universe",并返回新的字符串



Java进阶02 异常处理



package test;public class Test {    public static void main(String[ ] args)        {        Battery aBattery = new Battery();        aBattery.chargeBattery(0.5);        aBattery.useBattery(-0.5);    }}class Battery{    /**     *  increase battery     */    public void chargeBattery(double p)    {        // power <= 1        if (this.power + p < 1.)        {            this.power = this.power + p;        }        else        {            this.power = 1.;        }    }        /**     *  consume Battery     */    public boolean useBattery(double p)    {        try {            test(p);        }        catch(Exception e)         {            System.out.println("catch Exception");            System.out.println(e.getMessage());            p = 0.0;        }                if(this.power >=  p)        {            this.power = this.power - p;            return true;        }        else        {            this.power = 0.0;            return false;        }    }        /**     * test usage     */    private void test(double p) throws Exception // I just throw.don't handle    {        if (p < 0)         {            Exception e = new Exception("p must be positive");            throw e;        }    }        private double power = 0.0; // percentage of battery}



Java进阶03 IO基础


package test;import java.io.*;public class Test{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        try {            BufferedReader br =              new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file.txt"));             String line = br.readLine();            while (line != null) {                System.out.println(line);                line = br.readLine();            }            br.close();        }        catch(IOException e) {            System.out.println("IO Problem");        }    }}

Hello World!

Hello Nerd!


package test;import java.io.*;public class Test{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        try {            String content = "Thank you for your fish.";            File file = new File("new.txt");            // create the file if doesn't exists            if (!file.exists()) {                file.createNewFile();            }            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile());            BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);            bw.write(content);            bw.close();        }        catch(IOException e) {            System.out.println("IO Problem");        }    }}



Java进阶04 RTTI


运行时类型识别(RTTI, Run-Time Type Identification)是Java中非常有用的机制,在Java运行时,RTTI维护类的相关信息。


package test;public class Test{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        Human aPerson = new Human();        Class c1      = aPerson.getClass();        System.out.println(c1.getName());                Human anotherPerson = new Woman();        Class c2      = anotherPerson.getClass();        System.out.println(c2.getName());  //        Class c3      =  Class.forName("Human");//        System.out.println(c3.getName());        /*         * 这句有问题,  Class c3      =  Class.forName("Human");         */                Class c4 = Woman.class;        System.out.println(c4.getName());    }}class Human{        /**     * accessor     */    public int getHeight()    {       return this.height;    }    /**     * mutator     */    public void growHeight(int h)    {        this.height = this.height + h;    }private int height; }class Woman extends Human{    /**     * new method     */    public Human giveBirth()    {        System.out.println("Give birth");        return (new Human());    }}



Java进阶05 多线程


多线程(multiple thread)是计算机实现多任务并行处理的一种方式。



在多线程编程中,要尽力避免竞争条件(racing condition),即运行结果依赖于不同线程执行的先后。线程是并发执行的,无法确定线程的先后,所以我们的程序中不应该出现竞争条件。


package test;public class Test{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        NewThread thread1 = new NewThread();        NewThread thread2 = new NewThread();        thread1.start();         //start thread1        thread2.start();        //start thread2    }}/** *  create new thread by inheriting Thread */class NewThread extends Thread{    private static int threadID = 0;    //shared by all        /**     *  constructor     */    public NewThread()    {        super("ID: " + (++threadID));    }        /**     * convert object to string     */    public String toString()    {        return super.getName();    }        /**     * what dors the thread do?     */    public void run()    {        System.out.println(this);    }}


package test;public class Test{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        Thread thread1 = new Thread(new NewThread(), "first");        Thread thread2 = new Thread(new NewThread(), "second");        thread1.start();         //start thread1        thread2.start();        //start thread2    }}/** *  create new thread by implementing Runnable */class NewThread implements Runnable{    /**     * convert object to string     */    public String toString()    {        return Thread.currentThread().getName();    }        /**     * what dors the thread do?     */    public void run()    {        System.out.println(this);    }}





package test;public class Test{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        Reservoir r = new Reservoir(100);        Booth b1 = new Booth(r);        Booth b2 = new Booth(r);        Booth b3 = new Booth(r);    }}/** *  contain shared resource */class Reservoir{    private int total;        public Reservoir(int t)    {        this.total = t;    }        /**     * Thread safe method     * serialize access to Booth.total     */    public synchronized boolean sellTicket()    {        if(this.total > 0)        {            this.total = this.total -1;            return true;         //        successfully sell one ticket        }        else        {            return false;        //        no more tickets        }    }}/** *  create new thread by inheriting Thread */class Booth extends Thread{    private static int threadID = 0;        // owned by Class object    private Reservoir release;                    // sell this reservoir     private int count = 0;                            // owned by this thread object    /**     * constructor     */    public Booth(Reservoir r)    {        super("ID: " + (++threadID));        this.release = r;                                    // all threads share the same reservoir        this.start();    }        /**     * convert object to string     */    public String toString()    {        return super.getName();    }        /**     * what does the thread do?     */    public void run()    {        while(true)        {            if(this.release.sellTicket())            {                this.count = this.count + 1;                System.out.println(this.getName() + ": sell 1");                try                {                    sleep((int) Math.random()*100);            //random intervals                }                catch (InterruptedException e)                {                    throw new RuntimeException(e);                }            }            else            {                break;            }        }        System.out.println(this.getName() + "I sold: " + count);    }}



Java进阶06 容器


package test;import java.util.*;public class Test{    public static void main(String[] args)    {//        Human[] persons = new Human[2];              // array size 2//        persons[0] = new Human(160);//        persons[1] = new Human(170);        int[] a = {1, 2, 3, 7, 9};                   // array size 5        System.out.println(a[2]);        String[] names = {"Tom", "Jerry", "Luffy"};  // array size 3        System.out.println(names[0]);                int[] aFrom = {1, 2, 3, 7, 9}; // array size 5        int[] aTo  = new int[3];        System.arraycopy(aFrom, 1, aTo, 0, 3);        System.out.println(aTo[1]);                System.out.println("表(List)");        List
l1 = new ArrayList
(); l1.add("good"); // good l1.add("bad"); // good -> bad l1.add("shit"); // good -> bad -> shit l1.remove(0); // bad -> shit System.out.println(l1.get(1)); System.out.println(l1.size()); System.out.println("集合(set)"); Set
s1 = new HashSet
(); s1.add(4); //[4] s1.add(5); //[4,5] s1.add(4); //[4,5] s1.remove(5); //[4] System.out.println(s1); System.out.println(s1.size()); System.out.println("iterator()方法"); List
l2 = new ArrayList
(); l2.add(4); l2.add(5); l2.add(2); Iterator i = l2.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { System.out.println(i.next()); } System.out.println("Map是键值对的集合"); Map
m1 = new HashMap
(); m1.put("Vamei", 12); m1.put("Jerry", 5); m1.put("Tom", 18); System.out.println(m1.get("Vamei")); /* * Map还提供了下面的方法,来返回一个Collection: * keySet() 将所有的键转换为Set * values() 将所有的值转换为List */ }}




Java进阶07 嵌套类



package test;public class Test{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        Human me        = new Human("Vamei");        Human him       = new Human("Jerry");        Human.Cup myFirstCup  = me.new Cup();        Human.Cup mySecondCup = me.new Cup();        Human.Cup hisCup      = him.new Cup();        System.out.println(myFirstCup.whosCup());        System.out.println(mySecondCup.whosCup());        System.out.println(hisCup.whosCup());    }}class Human{    /**     * inner class     */    class Cup    {        public String whosCup()        {            return name;  // access outer field        }    }    /**     * constructor     */    public Human(String n)    {        this.name = n;    }    public void changeName(String n)    {        this.name = n;    }    private String name;}



package test;public class Test{    public static void main(String[] args)    {        Human.Mongolian him = new Human.Mongolian();        him.Shout();    }}class Human{    /**     * nested class     */    static class Mongolian    {        public void Shout()        {            System.out.println("Oh...Ho...");        }    }}



Java进阶08 GUI


 GUI(Graphical User Interface)提供了图形化的界面,允许用户以图形的方式与系统进行互动。


package test;import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;public class Test {    private static void createAndShowGUI() {        JFrame frame = new JFrame("HelloWorld");        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);        // Pane's layout        Container cp = frame.getContentPane();        cp.setLayout(new FlowLayout());        // create button        JButton b1 = new JButton("click me");        JButton b2 = new JButton("shit");        // add buttons        cp.add(b1);        cp.add(b2);        // show the window        frame.pack();        frame.setVisible(true);    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        Runnable tr = new Runnable() {            public void run() {                createAndShowGUI();            }        };        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(tr);    }}



Java进阶09 事件响应


package test;import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.awt.*;public class Test {    private static void createAndShowGUI() {        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Hello");        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);        // Pane's layout        Container cp = frame.getContentPane();        cp.setLayout(new FlowLayout());     // add interactive panel to Content Pane        cp.add(new ButtonPanel());        // show the window        frame.pack();        frame.setVisible(true);    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        Runnable tr = new Runnable() {            public void run() {                createAndShowGUI();            }        };        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(tr);    }}/** * JPanel with Event Handling */class ButtonPanel extends JPanel{    public ButtonPanel()    {        JButton yellowButton = new JButton("Yellow");        JButton redButton = new JButton("Red");                this.add(yellowButton);        this.add(redButton);                /**         * register ActionListeners         */        ColorAction yellowAction = new ColorAction(Color.yellow);        ColorAction redAction    = new ColorAction(Color.red);                yellowButton.addActionListener(yellowAction);        redButton.addActionListener(redAction);    }        /**     * ActionListener as an inner class     */    private class ColorAction implements ActionListener    {        public ColorAction(Color c)        {             backgroundColor = c;    }               /**         * Actions         */        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)        {            setBackground(backgroundColor); // outer object, JPanel method            repaint();        }            private Color backgroundColor;    }}



Java进阶10 内存管理与垃圾回收



我们先来了解"mark and sweep"。这种机制下,每个对象将有标记信息,用于表示该对象是否可到达。当垃圾回收启动时,Java程序暂停运行。JVM从根出发,找到所有的可到达对象,并标记(mark)。随后,JVM需要扫描整个堆,找到剩余的对象,并清空这些对象所占据的内存。

另一种是"copy and sweep"。这种机制下,堆被分为两个区域。对象总存活于两个区域中的一个。当垃圾回收启动时,Java程序暂停运行。JVM从根出发,找到可到达对象,将可到达对象复制到空白区域中并紧密排列,修改由于对象移动所造成的引用地址的变化。最后,直接清空对象原先存活的整个区域,使其成为新的空白区域。

